weight gain post sleeve - Dr.Amit Garg

Weight Gain After Bariatric Surgery / Sleeve Gastrectomy in Punjab- Dr. Amit Garg | Codsils

Experiencing weight gain following gastric sleeve surgery can be demoralizing. Despite taking a substantial leap toward attaining a healthier weight, it’s disheartening to witness the numbers on the scale inching upward again. We’ll delve into the multifaceted reasons behind this phenomenon, encompassing dietary patterns, lifestyle adjustments, and psychological factors. Whether you’re contemplating gastric sleeve surgery or have already undergone the procedure, our aim is to provide you with insights that empower you to sustain a healthy weight and embrace a healthier lifestyle.
Exploring the Factors Behind Weight Gain Following Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery, medically termed sleeve gastrectomy, involves surgically removing a significant portion of the stomach to form a smaller, sleeve-shaped organ. This alteration restricts food intake, aiding in calorie reduction and subsequent weight loss. Nonetheless, certain individuals may encounter weight gain post-surgery for several reasons:
1. Dietary Choices and Eating Patterns: Although the surgery assists in managing portion sizes, individuals can still opt for calorie-rich, unhealthy foods. Consumption of high-calorie, sugary, or fatty foods can lead to weight gain despite the reduced stomach capacity.
2. Expansion of the Gastric Sleeve: Over time, the gastric sleeve crafted during surgery might stretch, permitting greater food intake and diminishing sensations of fullness. This stretching can contribute to weight gain over time.
3. Unaddressed Emotional Eating: For some, food serves as a source of emotional solace. Without addressing the underlying emotional triggers prompting overeating, individuals may continue to engage in excessive food consumption despite having a smaller stomach post-surgery

Dr Amit Garg

Minimal Access Bariatric

Metabolic & GI Surgeon


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    Frequently Asked Questions

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    Comprehending the impact of dietary habits on weight control following gastric sleeve surgery is paramount. Post-operative dietary selections significantly influence the outcome of the procedure. Opting for high-calorie foods, engaging in frequent snacking, or reverting to unhealthy eating practices can precipitate weight regain post-gastric sleeve surgery. It’s common for patients to encounter alterations in taste preferences and appetite after surgery, which may further influence dietary behaviors.
    Snacking poses a notable challenge, involving the consumption of frequent small portions, thereby undermining the efficacy of sleeve gastrectomy and potentially leading to weight gain. “Drinking your calories” also emerges as a contributor to weight regain after gastric sleeve surgery.


    Consuming calorie-laden beverages like sugary sodas, sweetened juices, or high-calorie coffee concoctions may result in unnoticed calorie intake. These excess calories can accumulate swiftly, creating an imbalance between caloric intake and expenditure, consequently fostering weight gain over time. Notably, liquid calories may not impart the same sense of satiety as solid food, potentially prompting higher overall calorie consumption without corresponding feelings of fullness. Moreover, sugary drinks can induce rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, triggering elevated insulin production and potential fat accumulation.
    Maintaining a balanced, nutrient-dense diet is pivotal in averting weight gain and promoting overall well-being. Adhering to a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet is recommended to align with prescribed caloric targets, as exceeding these limits can lead to surplus calorie intake and subsequent weight gain. Regular consultation with a dietitian/ nutritionist aids in devising meal plans that fulfill nutritional requirements while regulating calorie consumption.
    Additionally, prioritizing hydration and integrating consistent physical activity into daily routines are indispensable for optimal weight management post-gastric sleeve surgery.


    Laparoscopic Bariatric & Metabolic Procedures

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