Mini Gastric Bypass Weight Loss Surgeon in India
Mini Gastric Bypass surgery is a procedure in which a long narrow gastric pouch is created and is joined directly to the small intestine. It is also known as Single Anastomosis Gastric Bypass or malabsorptive procedure. This procedure is similar to gold standard Roux-en-Y procedure but here the gastric pouch size and the diameter of anastomosis is considerably larger than Roux-en-Y.
It is a very powerful weight loss surgery where the patient loses around 60 -70% weight within 18 months to 2 years time. At CODISLS (Centre for obesity, Diabetes, Single Incision, Laparoscopic Surgery), our Mini Gastric Bypass Surgeon recommend this surgery to super obese, non smoker and non vegetarian patients.
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Punjab is a popular procedure for weight loss as Punjabi are known to be big foodies. Dr Amit Garg is one the best known Mini Gastric Bypass Weight Loss Surgeon in India and he is doing extensive work in Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Punjab and its neighboring regions.
The decision regarding which procedure to perform is based on each patient’s operative risk and their expectations and goal for weight loss surgery and is decided by our weight loss surgeon. We take a through obesity history and initial assessment is carried by the weight loss surgeon to identify risk factors, eating habits, life style etc and then all the alternatives including sleeve Gastrectomy, gastric bypass surgery are discussed with the patient.
According to Dr Amit Garg (Mini Gastric Bypass Weight Loss Surgeon in India), Mini Gastric Bypass surgery has following advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery
- Simpler and safer
- Suitable for patients on non-vegetarian diet
- Rapid and sustained weight-loss.
- Patient can eat much more than any other bariatric procedure because of longer pouch and bigger anastomosis at gastrojejunostomy.
- Lesser follow-ups are required
- Reversible to Normal anatomy
Disadvantages of Mini Gastric Bypass surgery
- Requires lifelong nutritional supplements like iron, calcium, proteins and multivitamins
- Not much suitable for vegetarian patients and smokers.
- Dyspepsia (5.6% of patients)
- Dumping syndrome ( Dumping syndrome occurs when food from stomach moves to small intestine too quickly. one can prevent dumping syndrome by making changes in diet after surgery. Eating smaller meals and limiting food with high sugar content also helps)
- Marginal ulcers and malnutrition can occur if proper diet or instructions are not followed post-surgery.
Complications that can happen include bleeding, infection, internal herniation, malnutrition and a leak from the site of anastomosis i.e. gastrojejunostomy resulting in an infection or abscess, deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. However, at our center, the total complication rate is less than 1% which is similar to other procedures, like a gall bladder or hernia surgery.
This surgery not only helps patients to lose massive weight but also improves other obesity related diseases like Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, joint pains, pcod and infertility etc. One important aspect of weight loss surgery is life style modification. Dr Amit Garg, best known Mini Gastric Bypass Surgeon in India shares that Bariatric surgery is a boon for people suffering from obesity. Patient who post bariatric surgery follow a healthy life can reap the long term benefits of this surgery.
Mini Gastric Bypass Weight Loss Surgeon in India, Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Punjab, Mini Gastric Bypass Weight Loss Surgeon in Punjab, Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in India, best known Mini Gastric Bypass Surgeon in India