Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass - Dr.Amit Garg

Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

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Laparoscopic roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass is a reversible weight loss procedure that reduces the size of your stomach to a small 30cc pouch and making food bypass the beginning of the small intestine. This reduces your appetite and makes you feel satiated with smaller portions. LRYGB can help you lose up to 60 – 80% of your excess weight in a period of approximately 2 years

LRYGB is a mixed restrictive & malabsorptive procedure. In this procedure, special stapling instruments are used to separate about 10% of the stomach to create a new small 30 cc gastric pouch. The remaining stomach is not removed. The outlet from this newly formed gastric pouch is connected to the small intestine (Alimentary limb) so that food empties directly into the lower portion of the intestine (Small Intestine Common Channel) bypassing the stomach. Digestive juices produced by the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and duodenum are directed by the Billio-Pancreatic Limb back into the common channel in a “Y” shape hookup that gives the technique its name (Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass). The small gastric pouch causes patients to feel full sooner and eat less (restriction); bypassing a portion of the intestine means the patient’s body absorbs fewer calories (malabsorption).


Frequently Asked Questions

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You should first know the risks and benefits of all common bariatric procedures. For high-risk patients and super obese patients, we advise LSG as a first-stage procedure prior to gastric bypass. Ultimately, the decision regarding which procedure to perform is based on each patient’s operative risk and their expectations and goals for surgical weight-loss and is decided by a bariatric surgeon.

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