30 Jul Create awareness about problems caused from Obesity
In order to create awareness about problems caused from obesity, Fortis Hospital hosted Obesity Support Group Meet at Fortis Hospital 30 July 2018. Expert panel of doctors interacted with the audience and gave tips regarding fighting with obesity and living healthy life. During the discussion with the audience, Dr Amit Garg, known as one of the best weight loss or Bariatric surgeon in Punjab, said ” Obesity is a chronic disease which is not ignorable. It gradually increases over the years which leads to various health problems such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and certain caner.” He also shared that around 300 million people are suffering from obesity problem in the world and in India. Punjab is the most affected state with approximately 35 to 40% female and 30% male suffering from obesity. Dr Amit Garg advised that a good lifestyle modification with good diet and exercise according to body requirement can certainly help to curb the obesity.
Dr Swapna Misra, Additional Director, Gynaecology & Obestetrics said “Pregnancy is with obesity leads of many complications and should not be taken lightly. She advised that before planning for a baby, women should manage their weight if they are obese. Otherwise, it can leads to problems like gestational diabetes, cardiovascular problems and osteoarthritis in women”. Dr Sonia Gandhi also shared tips for healthy weight loss with the audience.
Among the audience were present post bariatric surgery patients of Dr Amit Garg. They shared their struggle with obesity and about improvement in their life post weight loss surgery.